Metacommunication and Multimodality Strategies in English and Spanish Medinfluencers on Instagram

Main Article Content

Alexandra Santamaría Urbieta
Elena Alcalde Peñalver
Peter Bannister


Introduction: Social media has become a means of communication that citizens frequently turn to not only for entertainment but also to obtain updated information on a specific topic. Medfluencers, individuals dedicated to disseminating health and wellness-related topics, often appear on worldwide social platforms. Methodology: In order to discern the discourse, both written and spoken, used by these individuals in both Spanish and English language, a total of 200 posts from Instagram have been analyzed, comprising 100 posts in Spanish and 100 posts in English. Results: The results indicate that there are differences between the two languages, as the Spanish language tends to be more detailed, while in English, there is a preference for being more direct and less exhaustive in the information provided to the audience. Discussion: Studies like the ones presented here, as well as their findings, are not intended to be a mere data describing exercise of a specific type of discourse. Instead, the purpose here is to be valuable for the pedagogy of specific fields of knowledge, such as translation, interpreting, linguistics, text editing, or communication. Conclusions: Some of the main conclusions drawn from this study include the trend of the Spanish language to be more didactic in its explanations, while the English language is more direct and concise. Likewise, regarding multimodal elements, once again, the Spanish language uses them more frequently than the English language. All of this demonstrates that the Spanish-speaking medfluencer aims to be didactic and educate, while in English, their primary goal is simply to provide information.


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How to Cite
Santamaría Urbieta, Alexandra, Elena Alcalde Peñalver, and Peter Bannister. 2024. “Metacommunication and Multimodality Strategies in English and Spanish Medinfluencers on Instagram”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 157 (May):1-25.
The role of influencers in Health Communication
Author Biographies

Alexandra Santamaría Urbieta, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:37:"Universidad Internacional de La Rioja";}

Alexandra Santamaría is a Full Professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR, Spain) and she teaches in the Translation and Interpreting Undergraduate Degree. Her research interests focus on translation didactics, technological innovation, translator professionalization and corpus study and analysis, among others. She has published several books, articles and book chapters, as well as presented the results of her research at national and international congresses. She is a member of the PRODIGI research group.

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Elena Alcalde Peñalver, University of Alcalá

Elena Alcalde Peñalver is Full Professor at the University of Alcalá (Spain). Her main lines of research focus on specialized translation and foreign language teaching, on which she has numerous publications. She holds a PhD from the University of Granada and has participated in several national and international congresses.

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Peter Bannister, Universidad Internacional De La Rioja

Peter Bannister is a researcher at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR, Spain) and he is a member of the PRODIGI research group. His thesis addresses the role of artificial intelligence in the field of higher education. He has published articles and book chapters in prestigious national and international publishers. He has also made public his research results in national and international conferences. In addition to the subject of his thesis, he has published and presented on gamification in university education, the internationalization of education, and the teaching, learning and evaluation of oral comprehension, among others. 

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