West of the Great Bird. First Part.

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Carlos Gamero Esparza


Vivat Academy pays tribute to the famous German researcher, nationalized Peruvian María Reiche "the uncrowned queen of the Nasca desert." Therefore, in this case, the page "Company" changed its name to the scientific issue, he learned a lifetime of tedious effort, and often thankless, the field work. PhD in Mathematics, Maria Reiche was the best scholar of the legacy that the ancient inhabitants of Nasca have left to posterity. His figure, his enthusiasm and his selfless dedication to the study of the mystery of Nasca is reflected in the article that we offer. The work was divided into two parts, the first begins with a preamble of the adopted daughter and legal representative of Dr. Reiche, Ana Maria Cogorno, introduction to the extensive work required Carlos Gamero, a regular contributor to VA, with its staff poetic prose style, he describes both the work of Mary as the various vicissitudes and interpretations that have been, from its discovery to official science, the "lines of Nasca plain."


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How to Cite
Gamero Esparza, Carlos. 2004. “ First Part”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 51 (January):39-110. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2003.51.39-110.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Carlos Gamero Esparza, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

Reconocido Periodista peruano. Licenciado con Diploma de Honor en la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.