
Vivat Academia. Revista de comunicación. 2017, Junio-septiembre, nº 139, 19-31 ISSN: 1575-2844.





Recibido: 09/08/2016 --- Aceptado: 12/12/2016 --- Publicado: 15/06/2017


El huerto escolar como herramienta innovadora que contribuye al desarrollo competencial del estudiante universitario. Una propuesta educativa multidisciplinar

Ana María Botella Nicolás1: Universitat de València. España.

Amparo Hurtado Soler: Universitat de València. España

José Cantó Doménech: Universitat de València. España

The article is financed by the educational innovation project L'Hort 2.0 (2014-2015) UV- SFPIE_DOCE14-223306 in the modality DOCENTIC granted by the vice-rector of policies of training and educational quality of the University of Valencia.


The school garden is an educational resource that allows to approach students to the natural environment by designing interdisciplinary experiences that contribute to the development of basic skills. At university level it facilitates also a collaborative learning and the acquisition of social and environmental skills. L'Hort 2.0 project aims to create a virtual environment in the school garden for the management of ITC content that allows linking the activities outside the classroom with the content of the teaching guides. Working by an active and collaborative methodology in three phases: preparation and design of the web environment in six thematic areas, development of educational materials and evaluation of their usefulness in the classroom and their effectiveness in student learning process. The results obtained show a high student involvement in the learning process and an improvement in the assessment results that allows to integrate all the capabilities of students to better reflect the skills attained.


1 Ana María Botella Nicolás: Professor contracted doctor of the Department of Didactics of the musical expression, plastic and corporal of the Faculty of Magisterium of the University of València.




School garden – Multidisciplinary – Basic skills – Higher education – Innovation – ITC – Collaborative learning


El huerto escolar es un recurso pedagógico que permite aproximar al alumnado al entorno natural diseñando experiencias interdisciplinares que contribuyan al desarrollo de las competencias básicas. En el ámbito universitario facilita el aprendizaje cooperativo y la adquisición de habilidades socioambientales. El proyecto L’Hort 2.0 pretende crear un entorno virtual basado en el huerto escolar para la administración de contenidos TIC que permitan enlazar las actividades fuera del aula con el contenido de las guías docentes. Se trabaja mediante una metodología activa y colaborativa, en tres fases: preparación y diseño del entorno web en seis áreas temáticas; elaboración de materiales educativos y evaluación de su utilidad en el aula y su eficacia en el proceso de aprendizaje del alumnado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una elevada implicación del alumnado en el proceso formativo y una mejora en los resultados de evaluación que permite integrar todas las capacidades del alumnado reflejando mejor las competencias alcanzadas.


Huerto escolar – Multidisciplinariedad – Competencias básicas – Educación superior



    Among the results obtained in the L'Hort 2.0 project we include the implementation of two new subjects that have developed in the Faculty of Education at the University of Valencia in the Primary Master degree courses during 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.

      1. Design (3rd year) educational materials:

        The course is aimed at four groups of students in the ICT itinerary (145 students). The goal is the acquisition of technological skills in the use of multimedia applications (video, audio ...), web 2.0 (blog, wiki, webquest ...) and authoring systems (Jclik, HotPotatoes ...) for the design of educational materials.

        The structure of the subject matter is organized into six sections: management of educational materials, networking, PDI, cooperative learning (wiki, webquest), communication environments in the classroom (blog, networks), authoring systems, virtual environments (Moodle). In each block the students performed an activity related to the contents taught in a group as well as individually. The exemplifications and tutorial programs were made using materials designed in L'Hort 2.0 project. These teaching materials were evaluated by the students through the implementation of a logbook and a final report on the subject matter in which they gave their critical opinion about the process, the materials and the difficulties observed.

        For the development of activities with authoring systems an outing to the garden was done, where they took graphic material (videos and photographs) used in the design. On the other hand, they made a critical reflection on the potential of the school garden as an educational resource for the development of basic skills of the

        compulsory stage.

        The evaluation was carried out taking into account in a weighted way all the activities done both inside and outside the classroom, as well as the participation and interest in the subject matter through observation, the logbook and the final report.

      2. ICT as a teaching resource in science and mathematics (4th year):

        The course is aimed at three groups (95 students) with two different profiles: students of the itinerary of Sciences (28 students) who had already designed multidisciplinary proposals but lacked knowledge about ICT tools and students of the ICT itinerary (67 students) and they did not know how to raise a didactic proposal with contents of science and mathematics. The first sessions served to homogenize the groups by introducing the knowledge they lacked and could start from a common point in the other sessions.

        In the following sessions the students, divided into groups of 3, designed an educational proposal on computer support (blog). The blog should be framed in a context chosen by each group and should contain at least three blocks in which they selected content of science and mathematics from the curriculum of a particular elementary level, also selected by them. In addition, the blog should contain a justification of the proposal, tools and evaluation process, possible crosswise shortcuts and a guide for the teacher, in order that these proposals could be shared


        with other educational professionals. Given the technical nature of the subject the students were asked to design their own educational materials using free software and authoring systems (Jclik, HotPotatoes, Geogebra ...) and performed a thorough and critical search on existing digital educational resources on the web.

        The didactic proposals were developed largely during school hours to facilitate feedback with the teacher who showed materials designed at L'Hort 2.0 project as an exemplification of some of the content (use of software and Internet tools, a model of didactic proposal, selection of content on the web ...).

        Among the features of the proposal, it should contemplate content in science and mathematics to be developed in the school garden. To facilitate the development of the activities, two visits to the garden were performed. In the first with the aim of

        collecting information (digital and written): size, distribution, crops ... with which to design activities and the second in order to implement one of the activities designed and thus test its feasibility. In this second outing each group conducted an assessment of the activities proposed by their peers. In this way the students were part of the evaluation process of the subject.

        During the development of the subject groups they presented the work process and an assessment of the exhibitions in which all students contributed ideas and improvements in the work of colleagues. At the end of the course each group

        performed a final presentation as a mode of communication and with a reduced time (10 minutes) in order to observe and evaluate their ability to synthesize, the presentation and justification of the proposal.

        In the evaluation of the students all phases of learning were taken into account, being assessed individually and in groups: the participation, a control of content corresponding to the first session, the tasks performed in class, the activity of the garden and peer assessment, a presentation of the proposal and the final outcome of

        the blog.

        Moreover, it also includes the various proposals made by the participant under the subjects that are part of Project students. In order to carry out their presentation and

        to share the experience, it was organized at the end of June 2015, the "First Day of students L'Hort 2.0: educatives propostes multidisciplinàries". Here the results were presented and various multidisciplinary practical implementations made by students in the following areas were analyzed:

        • Thematic Area of Math and Science:

          • Developing a Wiki on a proposal of contextualized science and mathematics: Hortipedia.

          • Design of a multidisciplinary activity focused on a visit to the Bioparc of Valencia.

          • A proposal of science and mathematics contextualized in a rural setting: Moli del Pas.

          • A proposal for multidisciplinary science in the context of the school garden.

          • A contextualized blog in the space station as a support of a proposal of

            science and mathematics

        • Area of the thematic of Social Sciences and Education in Values:


          • Paraula a llauraor

          • L'Incontro with Vincent, one che microstoria racconta one intera comunità

          • The cor de l'horta of the coast

          • Integrity and cooperation, the forgotten of the XXI century?

          • The blog as a resource in the transmission of experiences on school organic garden

          • The exodus. A generation in search of better land where to carve out a


        • Thematic area of Arts Education:

          • What hides the music of Haydn?

          • The hearing, a gateway to knowledge

          • Que ha vist l'arbre? The pas del temps in the region of l'Horta de Valencia

        • Subject area of Language and Literature:

          • Aprofitament Didàctic de l'entorn escolar: La Marjal Pego-Oliva

          • La Rondalla va per l'Horta

          • L'hort 2.0 i la literatura Valenciana: Ruta Carles Salvador

          • A riu regirat: Itinerari per l'antic camí del Pouet Campanar

          • Route historicoliterària per Silla i l'Albufera

    Thus, it was possible to cover much of the goals outlined in the Project, apart from

    providing a framework for disclosure and assessment of the didactic proposals developed by students in the matter of educational innovation, encouraging at the same time, the collaboration and involvement of students in the learning process and the development of the subjects of the grades, as well as their participation in educational innovation programs.


    Undoubtedly, the experience that has implied the implementation and development of the project L'Hort 2.0, has been a success because it allowed to establish a connection between the physical, social and digital world, linking non-formal activities outside the classroom (itineraries and visits to the school garden) with the content of the programs of the educational guides of the grade subjects designing exploration activities, introducing concepts, structuring, modeling and implementation in a virtual environment based in the school garden .

    The use of technology to design ICT materials is an enhancer tool of the creativity and improve the teaching work by promoting the autonomous and cooperative learning of the student. However, although students adapt easily to the use of ICT tools, they find many difficulties when preparing multidisciplinary materials. In addition, often they propose resources difficult to implement in primary classrooms

    and lose sight of the timing, as well as the evaluation of proposals.

    As for the evaluation of educational resources used by the teacher, most of the students have perceived them as adequate but have expressed some difficulties to follow the tutorials when they use computers at the Faculty. This is due to the configuration of the equipment of the computer rooms of the Faculty that cannot


    retain personal settings or update the software used. Most of the incidents are due to technical difficulties in using the programs.

    In addition, the large number of proposals and the fact of having them in a certain place where they stayed and shared, has been very well received by students, since it involved a start value of work performed. Through the final reports pupils have issued some evaluations and suggestions on the methodology of the subjects showing their dissatisfaction with the workload and the difficulty of activities and valuing very positively to promote self-employment and the increase of skills and abilities. As for the formative evaluation they show satisfaction in the diversity of tools used by the teacher and greatly appreciate the work done in group activities outside the classroom.

    We think that the proposal has fostered cooperative student learning and their involvement in the development of teaching materials as a fundamental part of the learning process and as an element of development of skills, for example, participation in designing itineraries, visits to the garden and development of educational proposals and ICT projects, conducting virtual tutorials, forums and thematic blogs or the interactive evaluation between teacher-student through quality questionnaires about the teaching materials prepared by the teacher (suitability, applicability, accessibility ...). Thus, students have been part of the selection process of activities and of their organization and overlapping within the elaborated teaching materials.

    Moreover, collaborative learning has helped to practice differentiated strategies of purely expository master class. Thus, the subject has not only become the place of transfer of knowledge but also the ideal place to exchange experiences related to

    teaching. Besides the presentation of works, fundamental part of the process of collaborative work, has become a unique event in which all implicated parts, creators, teachers and classmates are benefiting. It has sought to convert the classroom -what better place for it- in a discussion forum focused on education, on the pedagogical renewal and, as far as possible, in a place of research focused on the process of teaching-learning where knowledge is generated cooperatively.

    Finally, the project of educational innovation L'Hort 2.0 has allowed the teachers

    involved to have a teaching resource that encourages student involvement and his responsibility for the learning process, thus facilitating the implementation of formative assessment methodology that takes into account all aspects of learning.


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Amparo Hurtado Soler:

Doctor of Biology. Professor of the Department. Of Teaching of Experimental and Social sciences. She teaches in the subjects of the itineraries of Information Technology and Communication (ITC) and science and math grade elementary teacher, basic research in science education at the master's specific and mentoring the teaching practicum of teaching. TFM and TFG address focused on the use of ITC in education and educational innovation. Coordinator of the Project of educational innovation L'Hort 2.0 composed of 10 professors from 6 areas of knowledge and 2 universities. Lines of research related to health and environment, educational innovation and ITC.

José Cantó Doménech:

He holds a degree in Physical Sciences and Doctor in Physics. Currently, Assistant Doctor of the Education Department of Experimental and Social Sciences of the University of Valencia. His teaching experience is shared between the Degree of Master in Infant and Primary Education and Research Master in Specific Didactics. His research focuses on teacher training and the teaching of science at the stage of nursery and primary schools. As part of this research he has made several stays at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia-(Italy) and has participated in European projects such as Fibonacci. Participates as a researcher in projects financed with public funds, has published articles in magazines such as Uni-Pluri / versity Teaching of Experimental and Social Sciences, Alembic ... and is a reviewer for several scientific journals renowned in their field.